Quotes of the Day

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Patrick: “Here Hunter, you can hold your ticket.”

Hunter: “And we’ll put it in the flowers and take a picture.” 

I have been taking pictures of our tickets amongst the Flower and Garden flowers so I can use it in my Shutterfly books.  Unbeknownst to me, Hunter has been paying attention!


After leaving Epcot after the fireworks, we were getting in the elevator to go to the car.

Hunter: “I…. I…. I’m hungry.  My tummy is hungry.  Let’s get some lunch.” (9:45 PM)

When we got to the car to go to “Hunter’s house,” the following ensued.

Hunter: “We are not going to Hunter’s house.  NO.  We are going to the rest-rant.  Uh huh.”

Us: “Where do you want to go – McDonald’s?”

Hunter: “Does McDonald’s have a farm???”

We went to McDonald’s.