0 thoughts on “Images tagged "drew-griffin"

  1. Patrick Griffin

    Wonderful blog brings back beautiful memories of Hunter’s birthday celebration at Hilton Head. Can’t wait for the next celebration with our family together.

  2. Patrick Griffin

    Wonderful coverage of your Disney Cruise. I loves all the photos and especially the video portion where you intermixed still photos and live action. Can’t wait to go on one of the extended cruises with the family again.

  3. Kathleen Courtney

    Wow, absolutely fabulous 3 day video. I worked w/Colonel waaay back when at SPD and it is so very lovely to see the family having such a great time. You did a terrific job documenting the trip, keep up the good work and get them to go on another cruise with you!

  4. Patrick

    Thank you for the comment Laura! I am trying to spend more time in the moment these days but I am not always as successful as I want to be. I just checked out your website. Your content and images are really impressive!

  5. Laura G

    This is amazing! As I was riding my bike on my way back from school drop-off, I stopped by one of the lakes to photograph my bicycle in front of the picturesque lake and thought the same thing to myself: people must think I am crazy, getting a close up of my tires 🙂 The entire morning I have been wanting to tell the world to slow down and take a minute to be thankful for what we have. We hustle all day but it is all right here in front of us. It only takes a conscious decision to be happy to watch, listen, and feel the beauty surrounding us!

  6. Patrick

    Thanks for always following along and for your thoughtful comments Kee! I am still glad that we took the opportunity to go to the game. I know it is a memory I will cherish for a long time. I hope Hunter will too! I am glad you got a chuckle out of my program story. It wasn’t funny at the time but I can laugh at it now.

  7. Carol Lee H Griffin

    You had me at Bob Uecker. And preferred parking.
    Seriously, another great blog with wonderful pictures, and I am so glad you embraced the spontaneity and went! (Speaking as another of the not so spontaneous sort.) I laughed in total sympathy over your signed program “incident”. I feel your pain. Or your nausea, as the case may be. Loved it all and I think it can be summed up perfectly in what you said:
    “Events are far more meaningful than things.”

  8. Diane Sarosiek

    I’m pretty sure you should have stopped for a quick hi on your way out of the Door – on “the back way” you were only a mile from our house!! Next time Patrick and Emily!! 🙂

  9. Patrick

    Kee, thanks as always for the comments. It was a picture perfect day in Door County and the flowers were amazing, as were the pies. I would love to take credit for the “overt displays of wealth” quote, but due to the fact that I have a third grade vocabulary and spelling, the editor-in-chief is kind enough to proofread the posts before they go live. This was her addition to the post and a mighty funny one I might add!

  10. Kee

    Another great blog with awesome pictures! The flowers are just incredible, I WANT one (or more) of those pies, and I’m still laughing over Hunter and the “overt displays of wealth.” lol

  11. Court

    Happy happy birthday, Sawyer!! So happy you had a great birthday fest and wishing you an awesome day!! You’re going to rock it just as you’ve done every other year!! Love you lots buddy and hope to see you this year!!
    Xoxo Court

  12. Kee

    Love. Love. Love. (And more than a few laughs, also!) Happy Birthday, Sawyer! How we love you!!
    xoxoxoxo GK

  13. Kee

    This was awesome! And thank you for not mentioning……not noticing??……that Grandma Kee was right along with Hunter, in the tearfest that accompanied this ride. I LOVED the Great Movie Ride…..I know every one of these movies, especially the “oldies”. I loved being sick and staying home from school, as a child, and watching a tv program called “Million Dollar Movies” that showed all these old movies. So, if I hadn’t seen them in the theatres, I saw them tucked in and cozy, with the sniffles, at home. You captured the essence of the ride and our “final” times on it. Thanks, PJH!!! xoxoxoxo

  14. Kee

    Awesome, as always! Great journaling and great photos. I love sailing along with you. Figuratively, at least…..still working on the other. 🙂

  15. Patrick

    Kee, thanks as always for your comments and support! I am really enjoying making the videos and having them to capture our vacations. As I go back through the website it is amazing to see how much the boys have grown up!

  16. Kee

    Amazing, as always! The pictures and video capture everything perfectly and I love the journaling, too! Keep up the good work! 🙂

  17. Barbara Fuller

    Aw, this is so awesome! No surprise there! Always the enjoyable narrative, the pics, and the cool videos – especially the 37 Likes for Em’s birthday, that was special.. Everybody’s looking wonderful, of course, and it’s great to see the boys as they grow up. One day I will definitely be down there to see y’all, and maybe ride the train, too! Keep up the mahvelous work, dahlings!

    Love you so much,

  18. Kee

    To quote Sawyer, “This makes me happy!”
    Grea!t job, as always. And beautiful shots of AZ
    It was great traveling along. 🙂

  19. Patrick

    I cannot tell you how much I enjoy reading your comments. You always have such positive things to share. I really appreciate that you follow along with our crazy family adventures!

  20. Bardee

    I always have lot of thoughts while reading this and enjoying the videos and pics – my first thought was, Day Four was the day for crazy facial expressions – I love it! My second thought was, wow, I’d really like to ride around in those small, cute cars……then I was thinking, the boys definitely enjoy just about everything the Park has to offer, and what great adventures, with cool memories for later, they are having – yes! Continuing on, I was struck by all the wonderful (mostly) food you all get to eat, and surmised that all that walking makes for loss of calories, a good thing, as you and Em are fit and slim, and the boys look just right at this age. Yeah, crazy things I think…..I can also tell that Em performs wonderful, organized scheduling with details that deter possible mishaps, also a good thing. I swear, sometimes I feel as thought I am strolling through the Park, either day or at night with the cool breeze and cool visuals as well (it’s the descriptions.) So, all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed your Day Four – well done, you cuties!

    Love you so much,
    A Barbara
    PS – Cheers for the sunset video, it was so pretty, and I especially liked the music!

  21. Barbara Fuller

    Excellent as always, Patrick! Loving your descriptives and matching them to pics, video and using great music! I have to commend you all for packing in visits, rides, etc., all before breakfast!! How in the world do you do all that?! Anyway, I surely enjoyed Day Three and love you all so much!

  22. Peg Caudell

    Somehow I missed day 2, so this morning I spent two days at Disneyland…so much fun! Great job, Patrick! Thanks for the “rides”.

  23. Kee

    omg, Patrick……seriously, nobody does it better! Everything about this is SO enjoyable! And I’m still laughing over your Ride Makerz “observations”! 🙂 And, Emily……California Screamin’……you are SO not your mother’s daughter in that regard! But yay you!!!!!!!
    Loved it all!

  24. qc9m.com

    This design is steller! You definitely know how to
    keep a reader amused. Between your wit and
    your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Great job.
    I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it.
    Too cool!

  25. Kee

    Loved loved loved this, as always. It’s the next best thing to being there! Great pictures, great “blogging”, just so much fun to read. Can’t wait for the next installment. 🙂
    xoxoxoxoox K

  26. Barbara Fuller

    Oh, you beautiful family, you, I love this! As always, great writing and pics and videos, and I especially enjoyed the video, as I get to see and hear how the boys are growing and talking. Awesome! From one who is easily susceptible to the “hurls” when traveling, especially in the air, I give you my complete and total compassion for and understanding of your first day transportation woes. Through extensive experience, I have learned to always take Dramamine at least a few hours before before flying (or deep sea fishing or ocean cruising.) Sure helps with the travel anxiety as well. I’m guessing that you all have figured this out, too! Bless Emily, is she the lucky owner of a “cast iron tummy”?? 🙂 So, thanks for sharing and you know I thoroughly enjoyed it all, Love you and miss you, fave family!
    (Auntie) Barbara

  27. Patrick

    Thanks Court! The boys are really enjoying it (as is Dad). Gives us fun projects to work on together. They appreciate your support!

  28. Court

    LOVE LOVE LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! How cool and I will definitely be following 🙂 Way to go boys!!

  29. Kee

    That was so awesome! (As always!) Loved the pictures and the video and the music with it. DAK is so much fun and this is a great capture of it.

  30. Barbara Fuller

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hayes,
    Being thoroughly impressed by your wonderful, creative and skilled cooking venture (how did you find the time,) I see now that it is imperative that I, one day afar, head in your direction and sample some of your delectable cuisine. Yes.

    With love and devotion,
    P.S. So sorry this is not a professional comment.

  31. Patrick

    In an effort to keep the integrity of the original blog post I vowed to not edit/add/rewrite any of the content so I am going to leave a comment. That said as I am writing this comment 11 years later I can’t believe how worried I was about riding Soarin’! For those of you who have ridden it you know that it isn’t nearly as scary as I was assuming it would be. Especially not enough to need my magic motion band. Wow, I was a piece of work.

  32. Court

    Happy Birthday buddy!!! Sounds like your weekend/fest was amazing and full of adventure! I can’t wait to see what this year brings for you! Wishing you nothing but the best in what I’m sure to be another great year! May you always keep your curiosity, fun spirit, smile and love for adventure and the small things in life, for that is what will lead you to the best that life has to offer. Love you Sawyer and hope to see you soon!!

  33. Patrick

    I will be sure to share this with Sawyer. He is a big fan of Tiny Girl and speaks of her often. We want you to come back and visit soon!!

  34. Miss 'Arie and Tiny Girl

    Happy Birthday to you, Sawyer! May you continue to always have that smile ready and your sense of adventure waiting for whatever fun your big brother has thought up for you both next.. You’re our favorite brother duo! Love always!

  35. Kee

    Almost as good as being there, too! Almost. Blog was funny, as always, and your pictures are SO good.
    Looking forward to your next entry. 🙂

  36. Kee

    This was so much fun to watch! And tell Hunter I loved all his “voices”! 🙂 Great job, production company!

  37. Don Hayes

    Vern – I see that you’ve cashed in your 401-K and are using the proceeds to buy votes. Looks like you’ve persuaded the big unions to give you the nod in the ’10 Harvest.
    Let the games begin!!

  38. golfnut

    this tom guy is over the hill. put 100 dollars on the haack. what kind of contest is this.

  39. Kimberly hayes

    Hi my husband Patrick, and his 2 older brothers are from Raleigh-Durham, and there dad Ken Hayes died when Pat was three. They don’t know thier family at all. I was just wondering if your Hayes clan may be related to mine??

  40. Kee

    I love this and we, too, loved the look on his face when the train was up and running. Not to mention the look on his daddy and mommy’s faces, as they watched his reaction. Priceless! What a difference a week made. Whew.

  41. Lori Holzapfel

    Hoping for a speedy recovery! I know the feelings you might have thought, been there (just about the same age too) and even though he is now 22, still want to protect him. In a few weeks he will forget all about it and everyday is a joy watching him grow. Have a Magical Holiday! Lori

  42. Drew Griffin

    OMG, I felt sooo bad for him as it was and then seeing the picture just made me completely misty.

  43. Jen

    This is HILARIOUS and by far my favorite week in three words yet. : ) I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Lily is impressed.

  44. andrea

    i’m so excited about the topsy turvy! i was tempted to get it but(boringly) went with the traditional growing tomatoes (up rather than down). keep us posted!

  45. Emily

    Yeah, after I got ready I asked Hunter if he liked my flower. “Nope,” he said. “Take that out.” LOL! He stuck t it all day, too… my parents asked him again if Mommy looked pretty and he said, “NOPE!” So thank you… my child has no taste.

  46. Emily

    Totally! The first thought was, “Let’s do this every week,” and the second was, “And then make a Shutterfly book of all of them!” LOL… you’re so in sync!

  47. Kathleen

    This sounds like a fun idea! Although doing it each week for an entire year…I think I might slack on that 🙂 But I’m sure you got it in the bag! Great website!

  48. Erik Hietpas

    Pat…..Nice commentary, but when are you going to make an appearance in the actual golf? After the unreal performance last summer against Bob and your dad at Butte Des Mortes, I figured your game would still be dialed in. Just kidding. Nice snap shot of the gator by the way. Have a good one!

  49. Vern shukoski


    Thanks tons for professional work done on the Harvest Classic. Comments and pictures are priceless. Very much appreciate your work put in.

    Thanks also to all participants in helping me celebrate my hole in one. It couldn’t have happened with a better group. As they say in Florida, “I’m blessed” to have friends like you all and fortune to play in this type of event.

    Congrats to Tom. A well deserved champion.

    Till next year.

    Best regards,


  50. Joe Thielman

    Congratulations Tommy!!!!!!! Vernie,I’ll put away the inquiry sign since you cracked the top five.Bob—great round Amigo and place position is pretty darn good.Glad you guys are having fun and travel safely tomorrow.Best regards to all. Sincerely,Joe

  51. Joe Thielman

    I’m sure by now youse guys know J.P. made the cut @-5 in Puerto Rico. He had 5 birdies in a row on the front.(his second nine)Leaders are at -8. Patrick,lighten up on this Haack guy–He and Doc are in my usual position bringing up the rear– just ask Bobby—- a guy can only go up from there!!!Vernie and Jeff, just remember if these guys start talking smack–IT’S the KLUMIES that cut the men from the boys!!!Hang in there, I want to see a non Irish name in the top five or I’m definitly calling it a fix!!! Watch out for the Gators!!! Jealous Joe in Chicago (+25 Farenheit) P.S. Who’s leading the fishing contest? I’m rooting for Kenny.Keep having fun you Bums-Joe

  52. Emily

    Cool pictures! I really like the first one off the “tee box.” Did I say that right? Pretty course. We need captions.

  53. jp

    I sure wish I was there kicking all of your butts. You know that any tourney won without me there is not a real win. Have fun guys and I shall be thinking of you. JP

  54. Pasha

    Jeff –
    What’s this about a magical “lunge?” Thought you saved things like that for our bedroom!

    Love, Pasha

  55. Joe Thielman

    Who’s that co-leader with back to back birdies? Double check that card. He looks a little suspect with that detective stache!!! Keep an eye on him Kenny!!!! Sounds like youse guys are having the normal Harvest blast–Good for you–Enjoy the sun and have alot of fun–Great website Patrick!!! And Duff,say it ain’t so and don’t overdose at Sonny’s BBQ Hi to all!! Joe