Hunter’s Week in Three Words – Week Thirty-Six

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Well for those of you following along on Facebook, you know that this week was a tough one for our little buddy.  On Sunday Hunter decided he was finished with his time out and was going to climb out of his crib.  I was downstairs and heard a huge thud.  When Emily and I went to get him he was in a great deal of pain and could not move his arm.  We spent the entire day Sunday and Monday in Centra Care and the Florida Hospital getting x-ray’s and Hunter ended up in surgery on Monday morning.  I have to say this was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through.  From the numerous boxes of tissues that Emily went through I am pretty certain that she felt the exact same way.  To watch your child be wheeled off to surgery is something that I would not wish on anyone.  It really made us realize how much we love the little guy.  To mark this occasion we of course had to make this his week in three words.  Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers for our little buddy.


2 thoughts on “Hunter’s Week in Three Words – Week Thirty-Six

  1. Lori Holzapfel

    Hoping for a speedy recovery! I know the feelings you might have thought, been there (just about the same age too) and even though he is now 22, still want to protect him. In a few weeks he will forget all about it and everyday is a joy watching him grow. Have a Magical Holiday! Lori

  2. Drew Griffin

    OMG, I felt sooo bad for him as it was and then seeing the picture just made me completely misty.

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